Single Topic Deep-Dive Curriculum Series

The Ultimate Science Curriculum Series is a single-topic online science curriculum that covers one specific topic in extra depth, compared to the e-Science Curriculum which covers ALL topics at a level that meets or exceeds science standards.

If you are looking for an award-winning science curriculum that covers topics typically studied in your child’s grade, then e-Science is probably your best choice.
(Click here for details on e-Science.)

If you want to go into great depth on one particular topic like Chemistry, Marine Biology, Astronomy, etc. then the Ultimate Science Curriculum might be best, so keep reading…

The topics in the Ultimate Science Curriculum Series teach kids in a hands-on real-world way using step-by-step video lessons to guide them through every detail of each lesson, experiment and project. Then it introduces academics to support the lesson your child is working on.

Each lesson includes step-by-step videos, detailed reading, exercises and quizzes.

All of the Ultimate Science Curriculum programs are available online, and some (not all) are also available on DVD so you can use it even if you don’t have a high-speed internet connection available.

And remember, while this is a video learning program, it’s primarily based on hands-on science. This means that your kids will be spending most of their time creating experiments and building projects (not just looking at a computer).

Since it’s a self-guiding program, while you’re welcome to go through it alongside your kids, it’s designed so you don’t have to. Just set your kids up, and they’ll go on their own.

Here are the volumes that are available, organized by topic. You can also see which volumes are appropriate for your child’s grade level by scrolling to the bottom of this page.

The Ultimate Science Curriculum topics contain the curriculum organized into a PDF document so you may print out the worksheets for each experiment as you go along. They also contain instructional step-by-step videos that show exactly how to perform the experiments in the included workbook.

For each Single Topic on DVD: The videos on the DVDs are designed primarily to play on your computer. The videos will also play on DVD players but since they are designed for computers you will notice a drop in video quality if you view them on a large screen. Also note that while the DVD will play on a DVD player, you’ll still need to open the workbook on your computer.

Astronomy 1 

Discover the big ideas behind Newton’s ground-breaking work. Students will learn about magnetic storms, listen to the song of the sun, learn how to chart the stars, and build a simple handheld telescope.

Includes student worksheets, 17 instructional videos, 12 lessons, 68 page student workbook, 92 page parent/teacher guidebook, tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades K-4. 


Astronomy 2 

This volume builds on the fundamental ideas covered in Astronomy 1. Students will discover stars, planets, moon, comets, asteroids, galaxies and more. Students will discover Martian sunsets, eclipses and transits, discover how to identify meteorites, investigate the forces driving Neptune’s internal furnace, learn how binary planetary systems work, diffract light into its rainbow signatures while learning about the electromagnetic spectrum and more.

Includes student worksheets, 30 instructional videos, 17 lessons, 78 page student workbook, 119 page parent/teacher guidebook, tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades 4-6.


Astronomy 3 

A comprehensive course that continues the astronomy adventure from Astronomy 1 & 2. Learn how to design and build reflector and refractor telescopes, investigate how gravity curves spacetime, detect black holes, build a calibrated spectrometer, play with the electromagnetic spectrum, and uncover the mysterious forces that shape the incredible universe we call home.

Includes student worksheets, 27 instructional videos, 77 page student workbook, 147 page parent/teacher guide, lessons tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades 6-9.


Chemistry 1 

Uncover the fundamental ideas behind chemistry with this introductory chemistry course. Students will discover how to create the four states of matter, grow crystal farms, experiment with phase shifts, crosslink polymers, shake up rainbow solutions, and stew up a chemical matrix of heat and ice reactions.

Includes student worksheets, 24 instructional videos, 20 lessons, 64 page workbook, tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades K-3. 


Chemistry 2 

This volume builds on the fundamental ideas covered in Chemistry 1. Students will discover the difference between acids and bases, the mystery behind chemiluminescence, how to electroplate a key, build a magnesium battery, turn water into ink or wine, transform dad’s coffee back into clear water, and more!

Includes student worksheets, instructional videos, 16 lessons, workbook, tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades 4-6. Coming Soon! 


Chemistry 3 

A comprehensive course that continues the chemistry adventure from Chemistry 1 & 2. Students perform advanced experiments with ammonia, learn how to burn sulfur, ignite colored fires, decompose hydrogen peroxide, detonate bubbles, unlock energy stored in chemical bonds, supercool solutions, calculate the energy of a single peanut, turn copper into silver and gold, and so much more.

Includes student worksheets, 38 instructional videos, 34 lessons, tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades 6-8. Coming Soon!


Earth Science 1 

An introductory course in getting to know our planet better through the eyes of a scientist. Students get to build a homemade weather station, complete with cloud tracker and hair hygrometer for measuring the Earth’s atmosphere. Students also learn about convention currents, liquid crystals, air pressure, and how sunlight, water, and wind can be used as sources of energy.

Includes student worksheets, 34 instructional videos, 32 lessons, 108 page student workbook, 176 page parent/teacher guidebook, tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades K-3.


Earth Science 2 

Discover the big ideas behind rocks, minerals, fossils, gems, and the science of geology. Students burn coal, fluoresce minerals, chemically react rocks, streak powders, scratch glass, and play with atomic bonds as they learn how to be a real field geologist.

Includes student worksheets, 33 instructional videos, 28 lessons, 105 page student workbook and parent/teacher guidebook, tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades 3-6


Earth Science 3 

Students learn advanced ideas in building electronic circuit sensors to convert light, temperature, sound, magnetic fields, and more into a form that real scientists can record and analyze. You’ll learn about solar cells, photoresistors, thermistors, hall-effect devices, and magnetic switches and use them to build projects that respond to heat, pressure, light, touch, water, lightning, and magnets.

Includes student worksheets, instructional videos, lessons, workbook, tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades 5-8. Coming soon!



Unlock the big ideas behind Faraday and Maxwell’s ground-breaking work! Students will discover how to design and test circuits, detect electric charge, learn about electrochemistry as they construct batteries, play with the static electric field, and uncover the mysterious forces that redefined the entire field of chemistry and physics when they were first discovered.

Includes student worksheets, 37 instructional videos, 26 lessons, 110 page student workbook, 213 page parent/teacher guidebook, tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades 2-8.


Energy 1 

Students build several different kinds of batteries, learn how solar, wind, and water can be used to generate electricity, construct simple machines, race bobsleds, zoom roller coasters, fire off catapults, build hydraulic-pneumatic machines, blast air horns, and so much more.

Includes student worksheets, 30 instructional videos, 26 lessons, 87 page student workbook, 139 page parent/teacher guidebook, tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades 1-4.


Energy 2 

Continues the journey into the field of energy by unlocking the mysteries of alternative energy, thermodynamics, and the earth’s resources. Students build a homemade weather tracker station, measure energy and power, make a fire water balloon, invent two working solar vehicles, learn how to bottle clouds, and construct a working external combustion engine from soda can parts.

Includes student worksheets, 13 instructional videos, 13 lessons, 55 page student workbook, tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades 5-8. Note: These projects are much more in-depth and advanced than Part 1.


Forces & Motion 1

Dive into the study of force, friction, gravity, velocity, acceleration, and Newton’s three laws of motion! Students get to build bridges that holds over 400 times their own weight, construct a rocket ball launcher, detect the magnetic field, learn about frequency and wavelength as they build buzzing hornets, sling harmonicas and air horns, and zoom balloon racecars.

Includes student worksheets, 24 instructional videos, 22 lessons, 82 page student workbook, 119 page parent/teacher guidebook, tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades 1-4.


Forces & Motion 2

 A comprehensive course that continues the science adventure in physics under Newton’s work on the three laws of motion. Students get a crash-course in projectile motion as they build g-force accelerometers, float hovercraft on both land and water, build a rocket car, and measure the Earth’s magnetic pulse.

Includes student worksheets, 21 instructional videos, 18 lessons, 79 page student workbook, 124 page parent/teacher guidebook, tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades 5-8. 


Life Science 1: Biology & Microscopes

Discover the science behind invisible life like plant structure, cell division, and genetics.  Students will construct a water cycle terraqua column ecosystem, extract DNA, grow a carnivorous greenhouse, track traits, learn how to use a compound microscope, and more.

Includes student worksheets, 32 instructional videos, 24 lessons, 117 page workbook, 171 page parent/teacher guidebook, tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades 1-6. 


Life Science 2: Human Anatomy

Learn the fundamental concepts in human physiology and anatomy. Students will discover how to build a working robotic hand, measure their lung capacity, filter blood, detect genetic traits, chemically fingerprint their friends, and make a frog totally disappear.

Includes student worksheets, 36 instructional videos, 37 lessons, 108 page student workbook, 196 page parent/teacher guidebook, tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades 4-8. 


Light 1

Students investigate the electromagnetic spectrum by using lenses, mirrors and more as they build several projects including an eye-balloon, pinhole camera, optical kaleidoscope as well as experiments in splitting shadows into a rainbow, going on a black light treasure hunt, getting colors from black and white, investigating chemiluminescence by mixing cold light, and making a beaker totally disappear.

Includes student worksheets, 23 instructional videos, 18 lessons, 67 page student workbook, 110 page parent/teacher guidebook, tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades K-4. 


Light 2

Students learn about intensity, polarization, frequency, refraction, diffraction, and reflection as they build an electric eye, optical cameras, reflector telescopes, compound microscopes, spectrometers, burglar alarms, optical light benches, battery-free radios, laser microscopes, laser shows, and so much more.

Includes student worksheets, 23 instructional videos, 14 lessons, 59 page student workbook, 119 page parent/teacher guidebook, tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades 5-8. 



Discover the big ideas behind Maxwell’s Principles. Students discover how to detect magnetic poles and magnetic fields, learn about electromagnetism as they construct motors, generators, doorbells and earphones, and uncover the mysterious link between electricity and magnetism that marks one of the biggest discoveries of all science…ever.

Includes student worksheets, 34 instructional videos, 23 lessons, 94 page student workbook, 186 page parent/teacher guidebook, tests and quizzes… all in one complete package for grades 2-8. 




You’ll discover how to twist arithmetic, outsmart logic puzzles, write unbreakable codes, dig into freaky fractals, build a geometric pantograph, step through a sheet of paper, multiply by drawing lines, perform math tricks that really look like magic, decode cryptograms, and memorize absolutely anything using a hundred–year-old secret code. You’ll never be bored with math again!

Includes student worksheets, 47 instructional videos, 45 lessons, 127 page student workbook, and more… all in one complete package for grades 3-6. (If you know your multiplication tables, you can do the content in this program.) 


The Ultimate Science Curriculum Sets below
are only available online (no DVDs)
and are sold in sets of three volumes.

The ones listed below target the different careers scientists have, so you’ll notice they are more focused on a particular field, like Aviation  or Marine Biology.  That’s also the reason they are sold in sets of three, because they focus on many different aspects of the field and include more application content than a traditional textbook you’d find on the subject. Within each, you’ll find experiments in physics, chemistry and biology as it applies to that particular field of study.  

Marine Biology 1, 2, 3

If you love whales, seaweed, aquariums, and underwater volcanoes, and you also love to watch everything that swims, crawls, or moves in the sea, this is the one for you! You’ll learn mapping techniques for the ocean floor, ocean chemistry like salinity and pH, photosynthesis and chemosynthesis, bioluminescence, exploration techniques, and all about waves, currents and tides. 

Includes 18 lessons that cover 21 science experiments on 46 videos, including how to make your very own underwater remotely operated vehicle!  This course is available online and includes individual experiment worksheets you can download. For grades 3-8.


Robotics 1, 2, 3

If you’ve ever wondered how to build a real robot from junk, then you’re in the right place. This course starts by taking a look at the highlights for understanding electricity, circuits, and components and how they all work together to form a working robot. Then you get to build robots – lots of them! You’ll also learn how to build homemade sensors and wire up remotes. 

Includes 36 lessons with over 40 videos, including circuit fundamentals, several homemade sensors, trip wires, burglar alarms, remove controls, mechanical jaw, amphibious robots, steerable robots, BEAM, and more! For grades 3-8.  (No DVD, no worksheets, just pure experiments and projects.)


Renewable & Alternative Energy 1, 2, 3

Discover the world of clean, renewable energy that scientists are developing today! Explore how they are harnessing the energy of tides and waves, lean how cars can run on just sunlight and water, tour a hydroelectric power plant, visit the largest wind farms on the planet, and more!

You’ll learn how streets are being designed to generate electricity, how teenagers are making jet fuel from pond scum in their garage, and how 70 million tons of salt can provide free, clean energy 24 hours a day forever! You’ll also get to bake solar cookies, magni-fry marshmallows and do the experiment with light Einstein won a Nobel prize for that is the basis of all photovoltaic energy today. 

Includes 40 lessons with 19 experiments on solar cells, wind power, hydroelectric power, geothermal, ocean thermal, biofuels, fuel cells, Stirling engines, and more! For grades 2-12.


    Aviation 1, 2, 3

    If you love airplanes, gadgets and space ships, and you also love electronics, engines, radios, storms, gyroscopes, and everything that flies, then this is the area of science for you. Design your own airplane wings, build a wind tunnel, learn how pilots fly through clouds, discover how jet engines work, make indoor rain clouds, and more.

    Learn from real pilots how to navigate using aircraft instruments, how propellers and jet engines work, and make their own flying machines during class, and take your first flight lesson right from home! 

    Includes 32 lessons with 20 experiments on meteorology, weather, wing design, navigation, pilotage, radio communication and more!



    Biology 1, 2, 3

    Discover how plants detect sunsets and gravity, how to make a live cell laser microscope to observe organisms in their natural environment, how to extract DNA from food in your kitchen, new types of biological energy conversion scientist have discovered, learn how birds fly by making airfoils, determine the chemistry behind how flowers make their beautiful colors, create light by mixing chemicals together the same way luminescent plants and animals do in nature, and get a complete week-long lab study that teaches you the right way to use a compound microscope and how to prepare different kinds of slides.

    Includes 32 lessons with 27 experiments on general biology, the scientific method, classifications, microscopy, biochemistry, cellular biology and ecosystems.  For grades 2-10.


    Chemistry 1, 2, 3

    Discover what it’s really like to be a chemist! Mix up dinosaur toothpaste, perform experiments with catalysts, discover the 5 states of matter, and build your own chemistry lab station as we cover chemical kinetics, phase shifts, the states of matter, atoms, molecules, elements, chemical reactions, spectral analysis and much more.  

    Includes 51 lessons and 55 videos with individual downloadable worksheets for the experiments. For grades 3-8.


    Civil Engineering 1, 2, 3

    Discover what it’s really like to be a civil engineer, how the field of civil engineering started, and how it’s absolutely everywhere you look. Learn how to design and builds bridges, dams, roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, and systems for water supply and sewage treatment.  You’ll also learn about building materials, water purification, geology studies and more.

    Includes 25 lessons and 28 videos with individual downloadable worksheets for the experiments. For grades 2-8.


    Geology 1, 2, 3

    Discover the world of rocks, crystals, gems, fossils, and minerals by learning how to test for density, fluoresce, reactivity, tenacity, color and hardness. You will really be able to identify, test, and classify samples and specimens you come across using techniques that real field experts use.  You’ll also learn how to grow 9 different kinds of crystals, pinpoint the epicenter of earthquakes, grow pumice rocks from liquids, burn coal, build sandstone, flower popcorn rocks and more!

    Includes 34 lessons on 36 videos as well as downloadable experiment worksheets. For grades 1-8.


    By Grade Level

    These are the current volumes organized by grade level. Note that this is based on the national standards for science, and also my personal experience in teaching kids science for over a decade. The list below is simply a recommendation. You are welcome to pick and choose from the titles you’d like to do.

    For example, if you’ve got an advanced 4th grader who’s got an avid interest in chemistry, feel free to get all three chemistry volumes. In general, you don’t need to complete Part 1 in order to do Part 2, although I would recommend completing Part 2 before Part 3 in both Astronomy and Chemistry.

    First Grade

    Second Grade

    Third Grade

    Fourth Grade

    Fifth Grade

    Sixth Grade

    Seventh Grade

    Eighth Grade

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